Life Scientific Inc


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SYFPAC® LVP is specifically designed for containers which have a fill volume typically between 50 ml up to 2500 ml for aseptic primary packaging of: Intravenous solutions, solutions for irrigation, disinfectants, liquid soaps, solutions for continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), oral dosage, and antibiotics.

Special filling systems can be developed to package pastes, creams, thixotropic substances, suspensions, substances which set very quickly, substances which need protection from light and from atmospheric oxygen.

Temperature of the liquid while filling should be typically between 4°C to 30°C. Modified systems can be developed to handle liquids at higher temperature.

Among our recent developments is a container which is self collapsible. As self collapsible containers do not need an air vent it does not suck in ambient air during dispensing, this helps in avoiding one of the most common causes of contamination during dispensing of the intravenous fluids in hospitals.