LSI Webinar Series
Brought to you by Life Scientific, Inc.
Life Scientific, Inc. invites you to attend our
Please register via ZOOM if this is something of your interest.
The Virtual Lunch and Learn Series are a highly educational webinar live streams. The need to increase efficiency and reliability in pharmaceutical manufacturing has developed the need for improving the products and the solutions that are carried out on the market.
Life Scientific has consulted on more than 5,000 equipment opportunities with industry leading clients in Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medical Device and Industrial markets. Feel free to draw upon our extensive resources. We offer you access to our network of organizations that represent a staff of well over 1,000 people. They are here to help facilitate your work in project management, engineering, validation, customer service, technical support and training.
“Understanding Sterile Compounding”
Presented by Michael H. Bellm, Life Scientific and Mary Beth Eyer, Life Scientific
Date: March 8th, 2023 @11:00 AM CST
In this webinar, we will explore the importance of training hospital pharmacies on USP chapters and sterile compounding practices. The pharmaceutical industry is constantly evolving, and it’s essential that hospital pharmacies stay up-to-date on the latest standards and regulations to ensure patient safety and compliance.
We will cover the basics of USP chapters and how they relate to sterile compounding. You will learn about the dangers of compounding errors, including the risk of infections and contamination, and how USP chapters can help prevent these issues. We will also discuss the role of the pharmacist in ensuring the quality of compounded sterile products and the importance of proper training and continuing education.
By the end of this webinar, you will have a deeper understanding of the value of USP chapter training and why it is critical for hospital pharmacies. Whether you’re a pharmacist, a manager, or an administrator, this webinar will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about the training and education of your staff.
This webinar is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in the field of sterile compounding and USP chapters. Join us and learn how you can improve patient safety and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing pharmaceutical industry.
“Serialization Introduction and the 2023 US mandate” Complimentary Webinar
Hosted by Michael H. Bellm President, Life Scientific
Presented by Michael H. Bellm, Life Scientific and Sascha Toedtli, Hicof
December 21st, 2022 @11:00 AM CST
Speakers from HICOF Serialization Systems, and their US Representatives, Life Scientific, Inc. discuss the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) Implementation and Readiness Efforts which is coming up Sept 2023. They will discuss how serialization can help Dispensers (pharmacies and health systems) be responsible for meeting enhanced FDA verification and traceability requirements.
Content will cover Serialized Transaction Information (TI) including serial numbers, lot numbers and expiration dates that will supplant the advance shipping notice (ASN) and will require purpose-built solutions that can support EPCIS event data at the individual unit level; DSCSA traceability and verification requirements will depend on implementing a secure data exchange network.
We will integrate solutions that HICOF can offer manufacturers to overcome these new regulatory challenges.
This webinar will be extremely beneficial for those new to serialization as well as experienced engineers wanting to expand their knowledge and get current information about the upcoming regulatory mandate.
“How to Specify a Pharma grade labeler”
Hosted by Michael H. Bellm President, Life Scientific
Presented by Michael H. Bellm, Life Scientific and Martyn Bell, Newman Labelling Systems
August 9th, 2022 @11:00 AM CST
We have developed a new tool that helps clients specify a Pharmaceutical Grade Labeling system. In this webinar, the speakers from Life Scientific, Inc. and Newman Labelling Systems will walk you through its practical application.
Our content will cover basic specification requirements for budgetary quotations, through building detailed specs including URS development, machine testing, and validation protocols.
This webinar will be highly beneficial for those new to the specification process, and experienced engineers wanting to review the process from a machine builder’s perspective.
“How to Get a Clean-Room Designed, Built and Certified in Less than 5 Months”
Hosted by Michael H. Bellm President, Life Scientific
Presented by Aseptic Enclosures
January 7th, 2021 @10:00 AM CST
At Aseptic Enclosures, we were planning a presentation to review the design/build process for our Mobile cleanroom suites. Our typical application has been pharmacy USP 797/800 compliant builds. This Zoom session was be held on Thursday, 01/07/2021 at 10:00 am Central. It lasted approximately 35 minutes + Q&A time.
Our mobile clean rooms are designed to be a permanent, fully furnished, fast and economical solution to the traditional “stick-built” approach. They have the added benefit of portability. We build the configurations in shipping containers which yields an impressively durable installation.
Units can be of various sizes. They can be stacked, combined, craned, forklifted or supplied on a leveling chassis for placement flexibility. The design process is crucial for a successful build. Our team of architects, engineers, equipment planners and representatives work with our clients in the initial needs assessment process.
After the assessment is complete, we work on submission of our first sign-off document, the conceptual design. Usually, within just a few days, we are able to submit an exceptionally detailed 3d model for evaluation and comment. Typically, after just a few iterations we have “sign off” and begin ordering long lead items and producing detailed construction documents for final approvals.
“Key Factors of an Effective Cleaning Strategy”
Hosted by Mary Beth Eyer, Life Scientific
Presented by Jim Agalloco, Daniela Martigani & Maria Luisa Bernuzzi, Fedegari Autoclavi SpA
October 24th, 2018 @11:45 AM CST
Cleaning is an essential practice for any pharmaceutical activity: it is impossible to manufacture drugs in dirty conditions. . Many aspects need to be considered in setting up an effective cleaning procedure.
Tune in on 10/24 at 11:45am Central for a demonstration by Daniela Martigani on the Key Factors of developing the most effective Cleaning Strategy. You’ll also have the opportunity to hear Mr. Jim Agalloco one of the main experts in clean and sterile processes in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries.
Additionally Maria Luisa Bernuzzi, the manager of Fedegari’s R&D lab, will explain a couple of case studies that will showcase their standing point in terms of cleaning methods and strategies.
At the start we’ll try to define the cleaning process and it’s purpose;
Which will lead into a talk on how to figure out the pointers and leads that need to be determined for a cleaning strategy to be set in place; And finally we’ll focus on The equipment chosen to perform the cleaning strategy combined with the suitable treatment and accessories are crucial to obtain higher levels of cleanliness even with the most critical parts.
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“Site Applications and Reliability of the Thema 4 Process Controler”
Hosted by Mary Beth Eyer, Life Scientific
Presented by Massimo Ghelfi, Fedegari Autoclavi SpA
July 18th, 2018 @11:45 AM CST
Join us on July 18th at 10:45am CST for an introduction to the Thema4 Process Controller developed by Fedegari.
Our Presenter Massimo Ghelfi is the newly appointed Automation Director at Fedegari and spent the past decade working and contributing to the fastest and most reliable process controller on the market. With Thema4, Fedegari assures the commercial availability of standards components, the integration levels required in modern pharmaceutical plants together with functions and performances to meet quality and safety standards of those production processes for which the application is intended.
Massimo will explain the Fundamentals of the Automation process controller, point out some key aspects and some great optional features that can be implemented to every base model.
Tune in and find out what makes the Fedegari integrated automation one of the greatest in the field.
“Site Considerations and Preparations when Designing and Installing Environmental Chambers”
Hosted by Mary Beth Eyer, Life Scientific
Presented by Dan Gresens, Environmental Specialties
June 20th, 2018 @11:45 AM CST
Next up on our agenda we have prepared a talk related to the appropriate Site Considerations and Preparations when Designing and Installing Environmental Chambers.
Selection of the proper chamber and other system features is assisted by Environmental Specialties, based on the information you provide about your application. The utilities needed for large scale chambers is significant and requires planning before a unit can be purchased and installed. The most important aspects that are needed to be decided upon prior to the beginning of the design of the environmental chamber are the Floor Plan, the Safety of the personnel and the Safety of the stored content, the accessibility and the complete operation process. Environmental Specialties had assisted hundreds of facilities on settling on the design and plan of their environmental chamber that will suit their facility the most.
If you are currently exploring the idea of adding an environmental chamber to your facility or you might be looking into the possibilities of these chambers in the future, than this Webinar is for you. Even if you already have a chamber up and running, you can still tune in and go through the checklist and just see if the project was done right and according to the proper methods.
The Main Keynote Presenter, Mr. Dan Gresens has over 22 years of experience dealing with various sites and plants that are facing issues with the addition and installation of their environmental chamber. The complete team that will assist Dan in delivering the presentation has over a century of combined expertise behind them when it comes to Environmental Chambers.
Environmental Specialties designs, manufactures, installs and services a diverse line of controlled environmental chambers that maintain precise conditions for a wide array of research, development, and manufacturing activities.
“Integrated Solution for Sterile Antibiotics”
Hosted by Mary Beth Eyer, Life Scientific
Presented by Sergio Mauri, Fedegari Autoclavi SpA
January 24th, 2018 @8:15 AM CST
Our first Webinar for 2018, which considering the time differences with Italy was broadcasted at 8:15 am CST.
Our presenter, Sergio Mauri of Fedegari dissected the latest case study on a Restricted Access Barrier System (RABS) that houses a production line developed by Fedegari for production of Sterile Antibiotics.
Sergio is now responsible for advanced aseptic manufacturing technologies.
He has been a board member of the association of contamination control ASCCA ( since 1986, including it’s past president and vice president, and has been highly involved with the PDA and Regulators from the FDA and EU.
Some of his papers, courses and presentations include the ASCCA training course on “General introduction of Clean Room technology, isolation concepts and critical parameters definition”.
If you are looking for a custom solution for your product line please consider this video to be your starting point since you’ll find it very informative. The project is explained to the very tiniest detail just so you can get the bigger picture and better understand the challenges that we needed to overcome.
“Washer Sterilizers for Strict Contamination Control”
Hosted by Michael H. Bellm President, Life Scientific
Presented by Daniela Martigani, Fedegari Autoclavi SpA
November 15th, 2017 @11:45 AM CST
- >Why clean areas require strict contamination control because of very critical operations taking place?
- Why we built a steam generator that delivers Steam injection directly in the chamber and therefore there is no need of heating elements in the chamber.
- This eco-friendly solution minimizes the use of detergents as well as energy and water consumption, reducing operational costs and improving washing performances.
- How Executing a series of rinses is possible to achieve the expected level of cleaning?
- How to minimize any manual intervention (the whole cleaning and washing process was done automatically)
- How to reduce time nedded to clean-wash-sterilize production line parts?
- And plenty more content relevant to this subject can be learned by tuning in on 11/15 @11:45 Central.
“Vaccine Storage Methodology FREEZER FARM OR CONSOLIDATION”
Hosted by Michael H. Bellm President, Life Scientific
Presented by Steve Ferguson, Environmental Specialties
October 18th, 2017 @11:45 AM CST
Tune in and find about different solutions to the antiquated ‘freezer farm’ approach which uses individual freezers with single, common refrigeration systems to store large volumes of product. Finally, a solution better than “just adding one more freezer”.
Our Presenter is Environmental Specialties’ Sales Director, Mr. Steve Ferguson who will share his knowledge and experience in proper vaccine storage solutions.
“Bio Decontamination”
Hosted by Michael H. Bellm President, Life Scientific
Presented by Sergio Mauri, Fedegari
July 19th, 2017 @9:45 AM CST
Fedegari has been working on various innovative solutions taking an original approach: rather than focusing on a component or a technology, they are investing in developing deeper knowledge. Their expertise in sterile processes extends beyond engineering and process equipment manufacturing to include knowledge sharing with customers and partners in various levels. In this perspective, Fedegari are currently collaborating with a strategic network of partners including Rowan University, Intel Corporation/Wind River Systems, B&R Automation, Jim Agalloco and Kaye to offer continuous innovation and drive competitiveness for the pharmaceutical industry.